Contact Free Grocery App UI/UX

iGrocer is a "Contact-Free" Grocery pickup and Delivery Service. The app invites users to select from a variety of local grocery stores to place an order. It offers all the essential grocery items - from fruit and vegetables to household items- without entering the store! The user interface is clean and organized just like a grocery store aisle, but is safer and much more efficient. Grocery shoppers can re-order the same products easily and efficiently. Users can choose between a delivery service of drivers, bike messengers, or even a futuristic drone drop-off or curbside pickup. Customers can even schedule their grocery pickup or delivery for a later date!
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, grocery shoppers were stressed, scared, overwhelmed, and confused, with the elderly and sick as the most vulnerable. Aisles of essential supplies were left barren and fears of contracting the virus were accelerated by overcrowded stores with long wait times. To stay safe and avoid the in-store chaos, shoppers began seeking safer and more efficient alternatives to grocery store shopping.

Concerned grocery shoppers, especially the elderly and sick, began seeking an alternative to their normal grocery store shopping routine and advanced to online shopping sources, offering contact-free delivery and pick-up services.
• From November 2019 to November 2021, Walmart's online sales grew by 87 percent.
• Amazon experienced a 200 percent increase in profits during the pandemic, partially due to Amazon food purchases.
• A national survey found that 34 percent of households reported grocery shopping online more since the pandemic, and 60 percent of these households planned to continue shopping online after the pandemic ends.

Although consumers started shopping online to avoid contracting the virus, grocery shoppers prefer the convenience of delivery and scheduling of groceries as well as the ease and comfort of ordering a diverse range of groceries from the comfort and security of their own home, suggesting this pandemic trend is here to stay.
Selecting a Store and Adding Items to Shopping Cart
iGrocer invites the user to choose from a variety of stores based on the user's current, or chosen location. They can filter stores by Distance, Delivery Service, Delivery time, organic, and EBT. The user can easily navigate through their chosen store just like browsing a grocery store without ever entering the store! They can order from multiple stores at a time, favorite and share items, as well as receive recipes and sale updates.

Cart and Checkout Process
The goal of Checkout is to provide a simple and easy user interface that allows for an efficient ordering process. I created a step-by-step process that includes: Delivery Address, Phone Number, Contact Free Delivery, Delivery Service, Delivery time and scheduler, Delivery Instructions, and Payment Options. This process is all performed on the same page, making it easy for the user to navigate the ordering process. It also offers a final review of all their chosen delivery options before officially placing the order. Finally, there is an "Order's" Page that offers an interactive timeline that tracks their current delivery and a review of previous orders, allowing the user to easily re-order and even schedule saved orders.

interactive prototype
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